Ready, Set, Smash: Top 10 Tips for a Successful Cake Smash Photo Session!

Let the messy, giggly, and utterly adorable chaos begin! I LOVE cake smash sessions to celebrate your baby’s first birthday! A cake smash session isn't just about capturing cute photos; it's about embracing the sheer joy and whimsy of your little one's special first year. While they’re super fun, I’ve learned a few tricks over the years to ensure that your baby has a great time and so you get the portraits you’re dreaming of to celebrate the end of this first year!! 

Before Your Cake Smash: 

Give your baby a cupcake or a bowl of frosting a week ahead of time and let them play and get messy. 

So often the feeling of frosting stuck between their fingers is a new sensory experience. Many babies need some time to adjust to that, and it’s easier (and happier!) if they get that experience before the camera comes out. Plus, if they know that they’re allowed to play and have fun, you’re going to have even better photos! 

Let your baby eat a snack or a meal while sitting on the floor in the week or two leading up to the session.

If they are used to being in a high chair 100% of the time, they will not know what to do when we seat them on the floor in front of a cake. Practicing this ahead of time lets them know that there are many different places where they may be able to eat, and not just in a high chair.

Bring your cake to room temperature so that it is soft and easy to smash. 

Cold cakes are rock solid, and babies always hate touching them. If your cake is soft, they’re more likely to dive right in and enjoy this special treat. Don’t forget to pack finger foods like puffs, yogurt drops, or cheerios to hide in the frosting if they are hesitant to try the cake.

Try on their outfit ahead of time. 

Not only is it important to make sure it actually fits, but it’s important to make sure that they can sit, stand, and crawl comfortably. We want to capture your little one moving around! 

During Your Cake Smash

Show that you can eat the frosting! 

Give your baby a taste of frosting on your fingertip, and show them that you can eat the frosting/cake, too! This helps them feel safe because they trust you, and it piques their curiosity in the cake. Anything that helps your baby be more comfortable with this new food is key.

Be patient. 

Most babies take a little time to really get comfortable during their cake smash. We will never force a baby to eat the cake, and we will take as many breaks as they need. Some babies dig right in, but others need a little more time. Don’t worry, and just remember that however your baby reacts, IT IS NORMAL and we’ve seen that in dozens of other babies before.

If your baby is a walker (or a super speedy crawler!), be prepared to get messy. 

Your job is going to be baby-duty to bring your baby back over to the backdrop every time they crawl or walk away. Just be sure they are always turned with the front of their body towards the light source when you place them back down on the setup. This will help us capture more photos quickly throughout our time together. 

Follow the photographer’s lead. 

Your photographer has a flexible workflow to introduce baby to the cake and to ensure they capture all of their standard shots, and your photographer will adapt to whatever mood your little one is in and whatever situation arises. Stay calm, and have fun!

Don’t panic if your baby cries. 

I promise you, we’ll help them get comfortable or move on to the next part of the session. And anyways, those always wind up being some of the cutest photos that parents love when they put on their crocodile tears. ;o)

Savor this experience. 

Really pause and take a moment to take it all in and remember this celebration of your baby’s first year. Look at their little smile, watch the way their hands grab at the cake with those tiny finger dimples, and listen to their joyful giggle as they clap and cheer. This is such a huge milestone for your family, so make sure you slow down to enjoy the experience. 

Don’t worry about getting your baby to smile or calling their attention – your photographer will handle that part. For now, just enjoy these moments as a parent and love on your little one who is about to celebrate a whole trip around the sun!

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Motherhood in the Studio: Insights from a Business Owner Balancing Work and Family

My sweet daughter Adelaide will turn two this summer, and for much of her little life she has been following me into my photography studio while I set up for sessions, clean up after cake smashes, photograph products, package up client orders, and organize our props. Grayson was the same way, always coming into the studio with me at a young age and finding something to play with. I have always recognized what a gift this business is to our family. Beyond providing an option for me to be a small business owner, it’s shown my children what is possible for them, their lives, and their futures is only limited by their imaginations. 

Now that my children are growing up, looking back on each of the times they visited the studio is so meaningful to me. I remember Grayson always loved playing with my ONE letters and playing peek-a-boo in the curtains, and I have so many videos of him on my phone playing in our old studio and collecting all the sample baby photos so he could look at them. Of course, the studio’s snack cart has been a big hit with both of my kiddos, and they have both raided it more times than I can count!

Adelaide isn’t into playing with the ONE letters like her big brother was, but instead, every time she hears me say I’m going to go downstairs to the studio she has to grab one or two of her dolls and bring them down to the studio. She picks out little bed props and blankets, grabs a toy camera, poses her dolls, and says “cheese! cheese!” when pressing the button and pretending to take pictures of the babies. She is absolutely obsessed with babies, both real and pretend, and she loves greeting my clients at the door and peeking into their car seats to see their little ones. She knows the word “client,” and she understands that I take pictures of clients' babies and that I go to their houses to see their babies. It’s just… an incredible experience watching the two of them as an important part of my business. 

I love that my job allows me the flexibility to work from home while raising our children, and that my kids will both grow up seeing their mama build a thriving business. They get to see me follow my passion, be creative, share art with others, and work hard. I think that this might be my favorite part. They’re both going to see that women and mothers can do anything they want. It’s a lesson I hope they both carry forever, especially Adelaide. I want them to both feel empowered, strong, and creative in their own lives. I hope that they will remember these days in the studio while Mommy worked - chasing her dream - knowing that they can do the same, with whatever they choose to do in life. 

Beyond the work I do, both of my little ones truly appreciate the power of printed photographs, and they love seeing our family portraits up around our home. They both spend hours looking through our family photo albums. Grayson actually has a few digital kid cameras, and he can often be heard saying, “Wait! I want to take a picture of this so I remember it!” I just love that. 

The photos in this blog were all completely unprompted and taken in the studio. Adelaide was posing her little dolls while I was cleaning up after a session, and I turned around and saw this adorableness happening behind me. Another day she was in the studio and she wanted to try on all of the pretty dresses in the Baby Wardrobe. After she put the first one on, she insisted: “Cheese! Cheese! Picture!” And she ran over to the couch setup in my studio and sat herself there and smiled. When I went to take a picture with my phone, she yelled “No!”, hopped down, and pointed to my real camera. She asked me to put the monkey on it (a fun little attachment to help kids know where to look), and then she got back onto the couch and waited for me to take her picture. All unprompted. I couldn’t stop smiling.

I hope that my children will grow up knowing that they can do anything, be anything. I hope Adelaide will  be inspired by her mama to appreciate the power of printed memories, and to savor the little details in life. I hope the same for Grayson, and I hope that he’ll always remember those early days together spent growing this business alongside him. I’m forever grateful for these incredible moments with my babies in my little studio! 

A peek inside an awake newborn session

At 3.5 weeks old, Patsy was wide-eyed for much of our session in my Saratoga Springs photography studio and we captured so much beautiful eye contact with this sweet girl. Working with awake newborns is much different than working with asleep newborns, but I always remind families that we can capture beautiful portraits of their babies whether they are awake or asleep. No matter what your little one (or their big sibling) might do, we’re going to document their arrival in the world, I promise! 

The trick with the awake babies is to keep them calm and relaxed, and usually a combination of swaddles, heat, white noise (or the amazing Baby Shusher app that all families who visit my studio wind up downloading!), and plenty of patience will get them to stay calm. When the babies are in my studio, I talk to them as if they can understand me, and parents often hear me whispering, “You can be awake, little one, as long as you stay calm.” Sometimes when the awake babies get really wiggly I’ll wrap them up in a swaddle with a layer underneath to keep them from pulling a Houdini and escaping with their arms flailing all over the place, and oftentimes then the parents will hear me telling their baby, “You’ve lost your arm privileges for a little bit!” 

Actually, now that I think of it, this may be why my clients often exclaim some version of “You’re like a baby whisperer! Can you come home with us?!” during their newborn sessions in the studio. It may sound silly, but it always works for me. Patsy was one of those sweet babies who was wide-awake but calm for us! She allowed me to work my magic and we captured so many sweet moments of her. We even got to use my favorite Moses basket and managed a darling portrait of her with her big brother.   

With more than a decade of experience photographing newborns, there are so many tricks up my sleeve. The babies all do give in to sleep eventually, but for some babies it just takes a little more time depending on their age and their digestion – upset stomachs mean upset babies, which always take a little longer to settle. Luckily we never rush our newborn sessions, and we take all the time we need to capture a wide variety of portraits (awake & asleep!) of all of the cute little babies.

Patsy, you are darling and I can’t wait to see you grow up! I am so happy I had the chance to document your beautiful eyes - and little personality!

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Three things I’m loving in the studio this spring!

Every year, my Saratoga Springs photography studio undergoes a huge cleaning and prep for the next season of babies! In addition to this major clean out, I find myself going through all of my wraps, headbands, and outfits for my client closet. It’s a chance to refresh what’s available to each of my families. Not only does it ensure beautiful options for each of them, but it allows me to really evaluate why everything is in my studio. This spring, I can already tell I’m reaching for and using certain props and options for my newborn sessions. Here’s three things I’m loving in the studio this spring: 

Dainty pearl headbands and tiebacks! 

I just added a few new headbands and tiebacks to our ever-growing collection of baby headbands, and every single family has chosen to use at least 1 or 2 of the pearl options in their sessions! I think they’re simply perfect. Timeless and a sweet little accent for your darling baby! 

All of the spring flowers! 

I look forward to tulip season every year, and they are always one of my favorite flowers to incorporate into newborn portraits. Plus, I loved putting some fluffy flowers on our rattan stroller for a new look, too! I will never say no to more flowers in newborn setups! They’re just perfect to showcase the season - without taking away from your baby! 

Soft colors!

If you know me, you know that I can’t get enough of whites, creams, beige, and blush pink when it comes to outfits or setups for babies, milestones, and cake smashes. There was a time when my entire wardrobe consisted of these three colors, and I jokingly said to my best friend that my closet looked like Neapolitan ice cream. Since then I’ve done my color analysis with Amy Latta at House of Color Saratoga Springs (she’s participating in our upcoming client appreciation event in April!) and my closet is less Neapolitan and more colorful with my best Summer colors. But for studio portraits, especially baby girl newborns? Give me alllllll the Neapolitan ice cream colors, please! 

If you can’t tell, I definitely love spring time here at the studio. It’s a beautiful time for portraits - and I can’t get enough of the soft colors and overflowing florals. What’s your favorite prop or outfit for the spring?

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My favorite time of year for outdoor portraits is coming!

In Saratoga Springs, New York we begin shooting portrait sessions outdoors again at the beginning of May, and it is my absolute favorite time of year for portraits! Everything is starting to bloom, the colors are soft and beautiful, the trees are fluffy, and it’s not too hot out yet (so no one is sweating or red-faced in their portraits!). Plus, we can finally break out the gorgeous summer dresses and the cute little rompers and shorts for the kiddos. It is literally a dream and the spring provides the perfect backdrop for portraits - milestones and family sessions alike. 

I love this season for family portraits so much that I have already scheduled my own family’s portrait session for May! I can’t wait to capture some sweet portraits of the four of us just as the seasons are beginning to change. To be honest, I will always, always opt for spring and summer portraits over fall portraits for my own family because the colors are so much softer and they are more year-round for displaying in my home. 

Our home is filled with neutrals and blue accents, and the red and orange leaves of fall just don’t look quite right on our walls. But the muted greens, soft pinks, and whites of spring fit right in (and then of course the blues of the ocean during our time on Cape Cod every summer are perfect for our decor, too!). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with fall colors and for many families, the palette works better for their home and life! But if you’re someone who loves neutrals and pastels, springtime portraits are going to look beautiful in your home! 

If you’re like me and lean towards spring colors for your portrait session, reach out today! I have limited available dates in May and June, when the colors are soft and the weather is warm. I can’t wait to see some of my favorite faces and many new families this spring - I hope you’ll be among them.

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Newborn portrait sessions with handmade pearl headbands

Welcome to the world Baby Vivienne! I’m so happy that I had a chance to bring this beautiful family back to my Saratoga Springs studio. 5 years ago, I captured  big sister Madeleine’s newborn portraits. Now she’s a big sister! It was very special to see how much she’s grown and to watch her bubbly personality shine through as she showed off her new baby sister.

This newborn session feels very springlike to me! We captured a few portraits inspired by Madeleine’s portraits a few years back - including the overhead circle bowl shot. It was special to recreate beautiful memories for this family. I’ve also added a bunch of new headbands including some with pearl details to the studio, which Vivienne’s mother chose for her daughter’s session. I love them so much and I’m so thrilled to see them being used. 

Many of my newborn clients fall in love with the soft colors and my natural style of newborn posing. I always choose to use minimal props to keep the focus on the baby. Pure and sweet, minimal is my focus - so I can capture the connection between family members. These sibling portraits of the girls are some of my all-time favorites, and the colors in the family’s outfits were perfect for the studio. Everything about Vivienne’s session just fit perfectly with my style and I’m so thrilled to be sharing it with you today! 

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A Simple Woodland Cake Smash Setup for Baby Boy’s First Birthday

How is Lucas already a one year old?! This was our fifth session together thanks to our Collective Membership, and Lucas absolutely loved the camera! He was so comfortable in the studio, and he had a blast digging into his cake to celebrate turning one. Seeing babies be super comfortable with me is definitely a huge perk of being a part of the membership! 

For Lucas’ first birthday portraits, his mom and dad wanted to keep the setup super simple. We brought in elements of the woods, including the gorgeous pine tree trunks and greenery. With lots of fairy lights intertwined with the leaves on the floor, the setup became more whimsical and fun for this sweet boy. His outfit was also simple, but Lucas looked absolutely adorable in his overalls! 

My favorite portraits from his cake smash are actually where Lucas is smiling up at his mom and dad. His eyes just light up when he sees them, and I hope they always look back at these portraits and see the love that they reflected right back on to him. It was so precious to see those moments happen in real life and to have saved them forever for Lucas and his parents is beyond special to me! 

Happy first birthday, Lucas! I can’t believe you’re already such a big boy!! 

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Beautiful & playful family portrait session in Saratoga Springs

Spring is coming - and it happens to be one of my favorite times of year for family portraits in Saratoga Springs. The light is beautiful, the grass is green, and flowers are blooming everywhere you look. In upstate New York, our outdoor portraits begin in May so that we have the most gorgeous natural backdrops. You might notice more outdoor sessions on the blog over the next few weeks, because I just love capturing family portraits outside under the sunlight and in the fresh air! 

Today, I’m sharing the beautiful Evans family. I’ve created portraits with them for many years now - since their first daughter’s first birthday, actually. It’s been so amazing to watch them grow and come into their personalities over the years. I can’t believe how big Wesley, Julia, and David are. This session took place in the fall, but it’s definitely one of my favorites in this spot. The light is always so gorgeous and the open fields give the kids plenty of places to run and play throughout our session together. I just want to say a huge thank you to Kat and her family for trusting me with another beautiful portrait session together! 

Like I said, this path is one of my favorite locations in Saratoga Springs, and it’s perfect in the hour or so before sunset! I can’t wait to bring more families here this spring when the trees start to blossom. It’s going to be so beautiful in the springtime. I can’t wait to see everything in bloom! 

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A sugarplum fairy winter wonderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs baby photographer

Happy 1st birthday, Ella Kate! We’ve been documenting all of her milestones during her first year as part of the Collective Membership and yet, I can’t believe she’s already one! To celebrate the end of her first year, we created a beautiful Sugar Plum fairy winter wonderland cake smash inspired by her mother’s ballet memories! 

Ella Kate’s Mom was a ballerina as a child, and she brought her old ballet slippers and pointe shoes to incorporate into the setup. I loved that sweet personal touch to the winter setup - and it was fun to sneak in something that means so much to her mom, too! Winter wonderland is always a popular theme for babies, so I love that we learned more into the Sugar Plum fairy inspiration for Ella Kate’s portraits! The setup really came together with soft whites, peachy pink, and the sweetest ballet dancers lined up across the backdrop.

As always, I incorporated some portraits of milestone portraits of Ella Kate before we even got to the cake. I’ve fallen in love with using my white wooden high chair with my babies in the studio! It’s always been one of my favorite props because it’s so classic, but it’s fun to be using it regularly again. Paired with the wooden cake (a popular prop for the babies, too!), it’s a great touch to any cake smash. After Ella Kate got to play with her cake, we also wrapped up with my favorite bubble bath setup. I’m all about sending you home with a clean baby! Plus, who doesn’t love a little one playing in bubbles?! Parents always love these portraits! 

Happy birthday again, Ella Kate! Thank you for allowing me to capture another beautiful milestone for you!

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Cozy studio newborn portrait session for Winter Lily | Saratoga Springs newborn photographer

I recently had the honor of welcoming Winter Lily to my Saratoga Springs studio to capture her newborn portraits! Winter Lily was accompanied by her big brother, Phoenix, and her parents. Her big brother was SO proud and it was the absolute sweetest thing to watch throughout our session. Our portraits for Winter Lily really focused on the interactions between these two babies and the family together. Winter Lily’s solo portraits featured beautiful pastel colors - and I even got to play with some fun winter overlays and snowflakes! 

While I was photographing Amanda’s family, I knew I was going to fall in love with the final portraits. And, I definitely did! This family’s outfits were perfect in the studio.

When you’re planning what to wear for your own studio newborn portraits, consider light neutrals. Light color shirts reflect light back onto the baby’s face when you hold them up against your chest, it keeps the focus on the family & expressions & love. I’m a huge fan of creating imagery that will be classic, timeless, and simple. Light neutrals help make that possible! 

I’m so happy for this family of four and I’m thrilled that they asked me to document this incredibly special time in their family’s lives! Welcome to the world, Winter Lily! 

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Beautiful newborn portrait session in Saratoga Springs

I’m so happy to be sharing Baby Sahana’s newborn session with you today on the blog! This winter, I captured maternity portraits for Shreya and I was anxiously waiting until their baby girl was born so we could plan her studio newborn session. Shreya and her family are part of our Collective Membership, where you can receive 4 sessions over the course of an 18th month period, so we’ve been able to document some special moments for them already. As a reminder, we’re currently  booking membership clients for 2024! This is perfect for your family if you’re planning to do 2 or more sessions over an 18 month period (not just for baby’s first year clients, either!).

For Baby Sahana’s portraits, Shreya wanted a soft and light color palette. She was excited to incorporate my Moses basket, as it was similar to the one Ariya was in when they did her newborn portraits in South Carolina. I was more than happy to include it - creating imagery that connects your sessions is important to me. 

The other great part about these portraits was that Sahana’s grandmother was present. It was really special to be able to capture all three generations in portraits of the women in the family. You can tell she’s enamored with her granddaughters - and I think the feeling is definitely mutual. I hope that she’ll be able to hold onto and treasure these portraits for years to come. Including other family members, like grandparents, is a wonderful way to create truly meaningful portraits to display in your home! 

I am SO happy I got to meet Baby Sahana now that she’s made her entrance in the world. Her session was really special to me, and I hope that her family loves it as much as I do!

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Lavender and Blush Pink Newborn Portrait Session in Saratoga Springs

Welcome to the world, Edelyn! This sweet baby girl visited my Saratoga Springs studio for her first portraits (ever!) and I had the best time catching up with her moms and big brother, Everett. Back in 2021, I had the honor of photographing Everrett’s newborn portraits so it was even more exciting to capture his baby sister’s!

For Edelyn’s studio newborn portraits, her moms really wanted to use a hint of lavender and blush pink to bring some color into her setups. I think that the palette of soft, neutral tones with these pops of color came together beautifully for this sweet baby girl. During the session, we captured beautiful portraits of just Edelyn, as well as many of her moms and big brother, too. Have I said how special it was to watch this family welcome their newest member?! 

We even created a few portraits for Edelyn inspired by her big brother’s portraits, and their moms are going to hang them side by side in their home! I absolutely LOVE that idea and am always open to matching color palettes and poses whenever possible between your sessions with me. Similar posing is a really fun way to connect your special moments. Congratulations again to this sweet family - I’m so happy I got to see you again in my studio!

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Timeless First Birthday Portraits with a Cake Smash

Baby Kennedy isn’t such a baby anymore! This little girl is now a year old! We celebrated with timeless first birthday portraits in my Saratoga Springs studio. Mom wanted a simple and classic session and to keep the focus on her birthday baby, which I totally get. With that in mind, we wanted to create really timeless portraits. I think we did it - and I hope you’ll think so too. Kennedy’s session really reminded me that sometimes less is more when it comes to a cake smash setup! 

We chose to do a simple backdrop of super white seamless paper, and let this baby girl be the star of the show! I’m a huge fan of simplicity, and I loved how timeless these portraits turned out. For some of the session, she got to sit in my favorite white highchair for her cake smash - with my infamous wooden birthday cake. Afterwards, we got her down and in her sparkly blue dress, she dove into the simple white cake we had for her. Kennedy was absolutely adorable and I LOVED watching her figure out how to get into the cake.  

It was also important to capture new portraits of her and her parents in the studio. Honestly, family portraits in the studio at this age are always so much fun! There’s also lots of laughs, big smiles, showing off their personality and new milestones achieved. Look at the big personality in the photo of Kennedy walking! Love it!!

Happy birthday, Kennedy! I loved planning and capturing your stunning timeless birthday photos. Enjoy this next year!

toddler in blue dress sits in white high chair playing with wooden cake during Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits in white high chair laughing in blue dress sits playing with wooden cake during Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in blue dress plays with wooden spoon next to rustic cake with wooden topper during timeless Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
close up of toddler’s toes in blue dress sits in white high chair during Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in blue dress plays with wooden spoon next to rustic cake with wooden topper during timeless Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in blue dress plays with wooden spoon covered in icing during timeless Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in blue dress plays with cake knocked off cake smash stand during timeless Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in blue dress plays with cake knocked off cake smash stand during timeless Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in white bath tub with bubbles after Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in white bath tub with rubber duck with bubbles after Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in white bath tub with rubber duck with bubbles after Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in white bath tub with rubber duck with bubbles after Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in white bath tub with rubber duck with bubbles after Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler plays in white bath tub with rubber duck with bubbles after Saratoga Springs cake smash with NY baby photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit with toddler on tan couch in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in grey sweater hugs toddler daughter in ivory sweater on couch in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit with toddler on tan couch in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad lifts up toddler daughter in ivory sweater making her laugh on couch in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in ivory sweater and white leggings with pink bow sits on couch in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in ivory sweater and white leggings with pink bow sits on wicker basket in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hold daughter’s hand walking across floor in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hold daughter in the air making her laugh in front of studio wall photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother hugs daughter kissing her cheek in front of studio wall photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Timeless First Birthday Portraits with a Cake Smash in studio with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Pink and Silver Winter Wonderland Cake Smash

Gabriella is one! To celebrate her first birthday, I had the chance to photograph her and her family again, as well as her winter one-derland cake smash! Andrea, Gabriella’s mother, is a member of our Collective Membership. We’ve documented all of her milestones with 4 sessions that follow her family from maternity all the way through the first birthday! It’s been so fun to watch her grow into the sweet little one-year-old she is now! PS. We’re currently  booking membership clients for 2024! This is perfect for your family if you’re planning to do 2 or more sessions over an 18 month period (not just for baby’s first year clients, either!).

Winter wonderland is a super popular theme in my studio. I loved the chance to put together another classic version of the winter wonderland cake smash. For Gabriella, we focused on a pink and silver color palette. I even got to bring in my new blush pink backdrop fabric that I have already used many times this winter (ha!). The sparkly cone trees were the perfect addition to her winter theme. Gabriella looked adorable in her pink and white tutu, complete with a silver crown. She was a winter queen for her winter wonderland smash, for sure! 

As I always do with cake smash portraits, I captured new family portraits for this sweet family of four. They chose a beautiful blue and white color palette, which was the total opposite of the pinks and silvers we used for the cake smash. Side by side, the entire session looks amazing together and I hope that this family will treasure the portraits forever! 

baby girl in pink tutu with silver crown eats icing off fingers during pink and silver winter wonderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in pink tutu looks up while touching icing on cake during pink and silver winter wonderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in pink tutu touches icing on cake during pink and silver winter wonderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl laughs by pink and white cake with silver one topper and snowflakes during winter ONEderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl lifts up piece of pink and white cake during winter ONEderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sister uses wooden spoon to help baby sister eat cake during winter ONEderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in pink tutu and silver crown laughs during winter ONEderland cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits in bath tub with bubbles wearing pink flower headband after cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler cries in bath tub with bubbles wearing pink flower headband after cake smash with Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit on tan couch with two daughters in matching blue and white dresses on their laps during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sits on couch in blue and white dress with blue patent leather shoes during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit on tan couch holding daughter on their lap in matching blue and white dresses during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad stands holding one year old’s hand as she balances on one leg in blue and white dress during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad stands holding one year old’s hand while mom hold's big sister’s hand standing in front of white wall during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler sister pushes one year old girl in wicker stroller in matching blue and white dresses during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
one year old girl sits on studio floor wearing a blue and white dress with blue flower bow during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
one year old girl sits in white high chair playing with wooden cake wearing a blue and white dress with blue flower bow during studio family portraits with Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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pink and silver winter wonderland cake smash for baby girl in studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY cake smash photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Family portraits with toddlers in our Saratoga Springs studio

I was so excited to welcome Andrea’s family back to my Saratoga Springs studio this winter! Now that the family has welcomed Valerie, it was time for new family portraits! Her children, David and Valerie, are simply the sweetest. They were amazing for me the entire session - smiley and happy to cuddle each other! I couldn’t have asked for better models. The family even brought their sweet dog to the session, too! I’m all about including EVERY family member - including your furry ones! Our session was joyful and simple, really focusing on the interactions between the kids and their parents. 

In fact, the portrait of Andrea and her daughter looking over her shoulder is my absolute favorite. As a photographer, there are portraits from every session that speak to me, and my goal every time I pick up my camera is to capture a moment that takes your breath away and makes you feel something when you look at it. This photo does that for me, and it is such a gorgeous depiction of motherhood that I hope Andrea will enjoy looking back on for many years to come. 

After their session, I went to Andrea’s home to complete their ordering session! I loved going to their house and seeing all of their family portraits from our previous session (2 years ago!) on the walls. They were thrilled to update their family portraits now that they have welcomed a new baby into their family, and it was a joy choosing their favorites to display at home. There’s not much more that excites me than knowing my families are displaying and enjoying their artwork every single day. 

Andrea, thank you for asking me to document your beautiful family again! I loved seeing all of you - and meeting Valerie. I hope we’ll get to work together again soon! 

parents sit on tan couch with toddler son, dog, and new baby girl during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom hugs toddler son and new baby girl while sitting on couch during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
brother hugs toddler sister in pink dress while sitting on couch during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy in button up green shirt and jeans sits on sofa during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
Dad hugs and tickles toddler boy in button up green shirt and jeans sits during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy in button up green shirt and jeans sits hugging black dog during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in pink outfit lays on knit blanket during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom holds baby girl in pink outfit on shoulder giving her a kiss during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of four hugs standing together during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Family portraits with toddlers in our Saratoga Springs studio photographed by NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Best of 2023 Milestone & Cake Smash Portrait Sessions in Saratoga Springs

I have been a baby photographer for more than a decade now, and there is still something so special about welcoming these tiny little babies into our Saratoga Springs portrait studio to capture their portraits. I adore the baby phase, and I know all too well just how quickly it passes. That’s one of the reasons that I feel like our milestone portraits are just so classically “baby”. Timeless and simple, with a focus on the little moments that I know their parents are going to treasure looking back on years from now — the way they grab their toes, their puffy little hands pushing up on the floor, those tiny feet, their elbow dimples, and their gummy smiles and first teeth peeking out when they belly laugh. I’m a mama to two little ones, and there are so many stages that pull at my heartstrings, which is why I love slowing down time with my camera and documenting these moments before they’re gone.

2023 was a beautiful year in our studio, and I loved welcoming so many babies (and Collective Membership families!) into our studio for their milestone and birthday sessions. We did cake smashes, tub splashes, tummy time, rolling over, and everything in between!

Enjoy a peek at some of my favorite moments captured in 2023 of our older babies, and then go back and check out our Best of 2023 Newborns and Best of 2023 Family Sessions, too!

Just look at how adorable these milestone babies are! We typically do milestone sessions between 6-11 months old when babies are sitting up, playing with their toes, and learning to crawl. I just love this happy baby stage!

2023 saw some really beautiful cake smash themes in our Saratoga Springs baby photography studio. I loved creating unique backdrops for each session, and our new giant metal ONE letters were a popular with our families this year. My favorite new addition to the studio was a new pre-cake smash setup with a vintage wooden high chair and an adorable wooden cake with candles. So classic & beautiful, and it wound up being a favorite setup for nearly every single family, too!

And of course, every cake smash finished with a splash in our baby-sized clawfoot tub! The bubble bath always brought out the best smiles in the birthday babies!

Did these portraits brighten your day? Maybe inspire you for your own little one’s upcoming session? I’d love to chat and create some beautiful portraits for your baby!

Saratoga Springs Maternity Portraits with Traditional Indian Dresses

Shreya and Alvin are expecting again! This sweet family chose to do a maternity session as part of their Collective Membership. It’s hard to believe this was actually our first session together! Shreya, Alvin, and Ariya are naturals in front of the camera! While we included maternity portraits, it was also important to me that we captured what life is like as a family of three (soon-to-be four) right now. The result was some truly sweet portraits of Shreya, Alvin, and Ariya. 

We did their session right before the holidays, and we started off with some holiday portraits for their Christmas cards. Ariya was so adorable, and I love these family portraits and her individual poses! This little girl has so much personality, and we had a lot of fun with her in the studio. She was not shy at all and loved being the center of attention with her parents. 

After we were done with the holiday portraits, it was time to move into Shreya’s maternity portraits. Shreya brought this handmade white anarkali, a traditional Indian dress that she also wore when pregnant with her firstborn. It was stunning in person and photographed so beautifully on her, and I love the simplicity of these portraits in our all white studio. Including Shreya and Alvin’s traditional Indian outfits was so special to me. I always want my families’ portraits to feel like them - including what’s important to you. 

Shreya and Alvin, thank you for trusting me with this special moment in your family’s story. I can’t wait to see you all again for our next session together! 

toddler girl sits in blue and black plaid dress on chair in front of holiday arbor with tan and blush ornaments during holiday portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hold toddler daughter in matching plaid shirt, jacket, and dress in front of holiday arbor with tan and blush ornaments during holiday portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in plaid jacket holds aughter in matching plaid dress in front of holiday arbor with tan and blush ornaments during holiday portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in plaid jacket sits with daughter in matching plaid dress on her dad’s lap in front of holiday arbor with tan and blush ornaments during holiday portraits in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
girl in black and red plaid dress sits on bench during holiday mini sessions featuring arbor with tan and blush ornaments during in Saratoga Springs studio with NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother sits on bench holding baby bump in traditional white Indian anarkali during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother holds baby bump in traditional white Indian anarkali during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother holds baby bump in traditional white Indian anarkali during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother and her husband hold baby bump in traditional white Indian anarkali during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother wearing traditional white Indian anarkali twirls daughter in colorful Indian dress during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
husband hugs expecting wife wearing traditional Indian anarkali while holding her bump  during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother wearing traditional white Indian anarkali stands with her husband and her daughter in colorful Indian dress during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
husband leans into expecting wife’s forehead while holding her bump  during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother wearing traditional white Indian anarkali stands with her husband and her daughter in colorful Indian dress during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler girl wears traditional Indian dress in three colors standing in studio for family portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother holds baby bump in tractional Indian gold dress with red sari on arm during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother holds baby bump in tradtional Indian gold dress with red sari on arm with husband in traditional attire during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting mother holds baby bump in tradtional Indian gold dress with red sari on arm with husband in traditional attire during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
expecting parents sit holding daughter in traditional red and gold Indian attire during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler reaches up to touch expecting mom’s baby bump in traditional Indian attire during studio maternity portraits with Saratoga Springs maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Saratoga Springs maternity portraits in studio with traditional Indian dresses for mama-to-be photographed by New York maternity photographer Nicole Starr Photography

Our Studio Refresh: A Peek inside our Saratoga Springs Portrait Studio

I can still hardly believe that this studio is mine. It’s one of my favorite places to be in Saratoga Springs, and it’s filled with everything that I find beautiful and inspiring — lots of light, soft fabrics, pretty neutrals, natural wood and rattan, linen, dainty little flowers on itty bitty headbands, and just a touch of subtle sparkle here and there.

With the new year, I’ve been looking forward to spending a little extra time in our Saratoga Springs baby portrait studio getting everything organized. I made some pretty significant changes to the layout in 2023, and I’m finally getting around to photographing the space now so that I can share it with all of you!

We’ve been in this particular studio since 2020, and it has grown and evolved to fit the needs of our clients since then. I’ve always had a knack for maximizing space and carving out little corners to serve a purpose (the toy corner! the snack cart! our prop storage! our new dressing room area! and the secret hiding place for allllll of the cake stands!). Ever since I had my very first classroom as a first grade teacher back in 2009, I’ve enjoyed being able to look at a space and figure out exactly how to configure it so that every space has a purpose, yet it all flows together seamlessly. This studio has been such a fun spot to design and bring to life, and while there will always be more little changes to come, I’m excited to share our 2024 studio with all of you today!

If you’re looking for a Saratoga Springs photographer for your next family or baby portrait session, I would love to chat with you and help you bring your vision to life! We have everything you’ll need in the studio, and I look forward to creating beautiful artwork for your family.

Best of 2023 Family Portrait Sessions in Saratoga Springs NY

2023 was truly an amazing year here at Nicole Starr Photography. This year, I had the honor of working with many repeat families for their new portraits as well as lots of new faces! Every time I show up to a family session, I am humbled and overjoyed that these families trust me to document their memories. I am so grateful to each and every one of them for believing in me to capture the best moments for their families. 

While I will never take this honor for granted, I also love how much fun I have every day at work. My family portraits are never boring! I’m all about laughing and finding genuine moments of connection between everyone. This year was filled with lots of tickles, games, and silly prompts to help bring out the belly laughs! I even brought some fun tricks along with me - like squeaking dog toys - to capture a toddler’s attention. Worked like a charm! 

In 2023, I captured my families all over the Saratoga Springs and Cape Cod areas. From beaches to parks, from benches to picnic blankets, and the city sidewalks… I loved every moment exploring with my 2023 families. This year brought some new locations to me and I am so happy that we have even more options for the future now, too! It’s important to me to find a location that feels authentic and genuine to each and every family I work with.

While I’m thankful for all of the fun and all of the beauty we found, I’m incredibly grateful that I was able to help all of these families create beautiful heirloom albums that they will be able to enjoy for years. Our albums and heirloom artwork are so important to me. I want to create something tangible and meaningful that my families will enjoy for decades to come with their children. It’s such a huge honor to be a part of creating something so important. 

All of our 2023 clients will be invited to our second annual Client Appreciation Event in a few months, and I look forward to seeing them for this extra special celebration to capture some new portraits for them to enjoy! Thank you again for trusting me to document your family and I hope that I’ll see many of you again in 2024!! 

sisters hug sitting on sand dune during Cape Cod family portraits with MA and Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
girl in blue flower dress twirls on fallen leaves in park during family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents smile laughing with toddler daughter in dad’s arm during family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug two sons and grandparents in front of tall beach grass on Cape Cod beach during family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents smile holding two sons on hips during family portraits in front of cherry blossoms trees in the spring with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy holds baby brother sitting on top of milk create during spring family portraits in front of cherry blossoms in park photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in blue linen dress holds toddler on her hip on sand dune in Cape Cod during milestone portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug three sons and dad lifts up toddler in front of white trees in the spring during family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents in white button down shirts tickle son and daughter during spring portraits in park with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents stand behind son standing on milk crate while holding toddler son between them during family portraits in park with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in white linen dress kneels down holding two sons to her during summer family portraits in park photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad runs down ocean side on Corporation Beach holding two children in Cape Cod photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big sister hugs brother sitting in wicker chair in park during fall family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
three siblings hug standing on Corporation Beach on Cape Cod during summer family portraits with Cape Cod MA and Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of four holds hands walking down the beach in Cape Cod photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of five sits on bench in park hugging and laughing during fall family portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy sits in cream knit sweater with brown shoes on sidewalk photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug while three children run through ocean water around them on Cape Cod beach photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in jeans and white top with wide brimmed hat hugs toddler in jean overalls during spring portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of five sits between sand dunes in white and blue outfits while dad lifts up toddler smiling at him photographed by Cape Cod MA and Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in sweater sits on padded bench swinging legs during fall portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in striped black and white shirt holds edge of wicker chair standing up during fall family portraits at sunset photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family in white button down shirts and jeans pose with toddler in white Saratoga Springs studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad hugs daughter on lap while mom leans for a kiss during studio family portraits in Saratoga Springs studio photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
toddler in pastel sweater sits in wicker chair swinging legs during fall portraits with Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds toddler in crook of arms standing on Dennis Beach on Cape Cod photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds toddler in matching cream knit sweater during fall family portraits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in white summer linen dress holds baby boy in blue and white stop on a Cape Cod beach photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom in pale mint green dress hugs son on hip while daughter leans against her leg during fall family portraits at sunset photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dad holds out toddler daughter in yellow dress in front of white flowers in NY park photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
young blonde girl laughs sitting in grass at sunset for family photos photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom smiles at son on hip in cream sweater during milestone and family portraits in Congress Park photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug baby boy standing on walkway in Congress Park photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
girl in white dress twirls on sand dune on edge of Corporation Beach on Cape Cod MA photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents pose with two children and one set of grandparents in park in front of wooden fence for fall portraits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
brothers in khaki shorts and natural colored polos hug near tall grass on sand dune of Corporation Beach on Cape Cod MA photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy lays on custom knit blanket in cream sweater during fall portraits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents smile at son holding him out playing airplane during fall portraits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hold two son’s handspring spring photos by cherry blossoms photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of four in pink and blue outfits hug on sand dune during Cape Cod family portraits with MA and Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents sit on bench in photography studio holding daughter in pink dress during family portraits photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of three hugs in wildflower field during family portraits at sunset photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug twin girls standing on beach in Cape Cod at sunset photographed by Saratoga Springs NY family photographer Nicole Starr Photography

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Saratoga Springs family photographer Nicole Starr Photography shares her favorite moments from family portraits in New York and on Cape Cod from 2023

Best of 2023 newborn sessions in Saratoga Springs

Newborn sessions are special for me. I’m always so honored to be invited into such a beautiful time in my clients' lives to celebrate the arrival of their new baby. Whether their sessions are at home or in my studio, every one of them is as unique as the family I’m capturing. 

For the 2023 year, I was extra lucky with the families who visited me. So many of my newborn clients this year were coming back to see me with their second or third baby, and I’ve been lucky enough to document all of their children’s milestones. It felt beyond special to be in the studio with families I adore and to be capturing yet another milestone for their family. 

toddler pushes baby sister in stroller during newborn session in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography

In addition to our studio sessions, I absolutely adore our lifestyle sessions. Lifestyle newborn sessions are perfect for a relaxed peek into your lives at home. You get to spend your session cuddled up in the living room or all cozy on the bed together, or getting to know your new baby in the nursery that you so lovingly put together before their arrival. It’s a really unique moment and there’s nothing more beautiful than documenting a family at home. 

baby lays in crib under rainbow mural in nursery during lifestyle newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy sleeps on changing table in front of mountain on nursery wall during lifestyle newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
big siblings hug newborn sister in front of white crib in nursery with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
siblings hold baby sister on couch during lifestyle newborn session in Saratoga Springs NY with Nicole Starr Photography
toddler boy hugs newborn sibling in corner of wooden crib in nursery with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents snuggle with son in custom animal inspired nursery during lifestyle newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
family of five snuggles with baby girl on bed during lifestyle newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents hug each other looking at newborn son in living room of home in New York during lifestyle newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
siblings hug baby sister in white crib on pink sheets during lifestyle newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

If a more traditional look is your style, newborn studio sessions are always a great time! They’re wonderfully stress-free - which is one of the best perks, in my opinion. So many families this year told me how much they enjoyed sitting in the studio and how relaxed it made them feel. My favorite memorable compliment was from a dad (who happens to live in my neighborhood!) that had been in the studio for about an hour or so, and between the flowing conversation, the white noise, the cozy temperature, and his sleep exhaustion from his first few weeks with a newborn, he said “I love your studio! It feels like we’re in Las Vegas and I completely lose track of time in here! I mean, what day is it?!?! Where are we?!?!” It was hilarious but also really spoke to me about the atmosphere we create for my families. 

siblings snuggle with newborn sister on couch during newborn portraits in Saratoga Springs NY studio with Nicole Starr Photography
siblings lay on fluffy rug with newborn sister between them during newborn portraits in studio with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mom hugs newborn daughter to her while toddler son playfully plays with her headband as dad holds him in studio with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
parents snuggle with toddler and newborn sitting together in studio with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in white lace dress hugs newborn baby to chest during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
newborn baby boy lays on white pillow in all white onesie during newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
mother in ivory dress holds newborn in blanket to chest during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl in white blanket lays snuggled up on bed with chunky pink blanket under her during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy sleeps wrapped in tight white blanket on knit blanket during studio newborn portraits with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby boy lays wrapped in blue blanket on white chunky blanket on white bed during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on wooden bed hugging bunny lovely in white blanket during newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
dads hug newborn son in studio during newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby girl snuggles in white knit blanket with pearl headband during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays wrapped in white blanket during during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays in tan wrap with bear ears in Moses basket during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays curled up on grey knit blanket during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby lays on white blanket in white onesie during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps in ivory wrap on knit blankets during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on wooden bed with ivory wrap and pastel pink blanket during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography
baby sleeps on blanket with foxes and horses during studio newborn session with Saratoga Springs NY newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography

I can’t wait to watch these little babies grow and invite them back into the studio in 2024 for their birthday sessions! Thank you to every family who trusted me to capture these special moments as they welcomed their littlest loves to the world. 

Best of 2023 newborn sessions with lifestyle and studio newborn photographer Nicole Starr Photography