A peek inside an awake newborn session

At 3.5 weeks old, Patsy was wide-eyed for much of our session in my Saratoga Springs photography studio and we captured so much beautiful eye contact with this sweet girl. Working with awake newborns is much different than working with asleep newborns, but I always remind families that we can capture beautiful portraits of their babies whether they are awake or asleep. No matter what your little one (or their big sibling) might do, we’re going to document their arrival in the world, I promise! 

The trick with the awake babies is to keep them calm and relaxed, and usually a combination of swaddles, heat, white noise (or the amazing Baby Shusher app that all families who visit my studio wind up downloading!), and plenty of patience will get them to stay calm. When the babies are in my studio, I talk to them as if they can understand me, and parents often hear me whispering, “You can be awake, little one, as long as you stay calm.” Sometimes when the awake babies get really wiggly I’ll wrap them up in a swaddle with a layer underneath to keep them from pulling a Houdini and escaping with their arms flailing all over the place, and oftentimes then the parents will hear me telling their baby, “You’ve lost your arm privileges for a little bit!” 

Actually, now that I think of it, this may be why my clients often exclaim some version of “You’re like a baby whisperer! Can you come home with us?!” during their newborn sessions in the studio. It may sound silly, but it always works for me. Patsy was one of those sweet babies who was wide-awake but calm for us! She allowed me to work my magic and we captured so many sweet moments of her. We even got to use my favorite Moses basket and managed a darling portrait of her with her big brother.   

With more than a decade of experience photographing newborns, there are so many tricks up my sleeve. The babies all do give in to sleep eventually, but for some babies it just takes a little more time depending on their age and their digestion – upset stomachs mean upset babies, which always take a little longer to settle. Luckily we never rush our newborn sessions, and we take all the time we need to capture a wide variety of portraits (awake & asleep!) of all of the cute little babies.

Patsy, you are darling and I can’t wait to see you grow up! I am so happy I had the chance to document your beautiful eyes - and little personality!

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